What makes one website
better than another?

A website needs to focus on achieving specific objectives. Unless you are clear about the direction you want to go in, the destination will always be out of reach.
Just as your business evolves over time, the objective and messaging of your website may need to be adjusted. My aim is to create long-term relationships so we can fine-tune your online marketing for better results.
Everyone is researching products and services online, doing their due diligence to help them make the best decision. With so many websites competing for their attention it can be challenging to set yourself apart, the reason a website requires a strategy.
Questions that need addressing include:
"A website is like a sales rep who's out there 365 days a year. And a good site can make a small company look like a major player" (Reference BDC)
In 2019, 67% of Canadians said they more likely to do business with a company that has a website. If your site compares unfavourably to the competition visitors may look for a website they like better, resulting in the loss of a potential client.
Let's team up and I'll introduce you to possibilities you may not have considered before.
Determine your Objective
Let's connect!
Tell me a bit about your business and what you are hoping to accomplish. We'll then meet over coffee and brainstorm ideas.
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